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Mr. Arnold Goldman is perhaps best known for pioneering the industrial scale application of concentrating solar power. He founded and led Luz International, builder of nine solar electricity generation system (SEGS) plants in the Mojave Desert in the 1980s. Totaling 354MW (90% of the world’s solar power at the time), they were the first commercially successful utility-scale solar power plants and they are all are still in operation. Arnold built Luz into a worldwide company with over 3,000 employees. He also founded and chaired BrightSource Energy, one of the world’s largest developers of solar thermal power.


Arnold also did pioneering work in energy storage, founding Electric Fuel Ltd. In 1990 to develop rechargeable zinc-air batteries for electric mobility. Electric Fuel Ltd. went on to become a public company listed on the NASDAQ exchange and still develops and sells batteries and fuel cells with a variety of electrochemistries to the industrial, medical, aerospace, automotive, and energy storage markets. 


A visionary in multiple disciplines, Arnold co-founded Lexitron, the developer of the first word processor. He also co-founded Insyst (Intelligent Systems) which develop advanced software analytic solutions for the optimization and improvements of complex semi-conductor manufacturing processes.  Arnold received many national and international awards including Energy Technology Pioneer of the Year (2009, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland), Energy Man of the Year (2014, Israel). He held numerous patents and was a frequent guest lecturer at universities, seminars, and conferences. He earned BS and MSEE degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California.

Our Founder:

Arnold J Goldman (Jan 9th 1943 – May 29th 2017)

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